2023 Coaches Meeting

Meeting Highlights

  • New things at the ballpark this year:

    • WiFi = Cards accepted at concessions
    • New Scoreboards (Courtesy of Madison County Parks and Rec)
    • TeamSnap: League Management and Team Communication
      • Do not attempt to create your team in the app, the league will manage the teams
      • Once assigned by the league, you will see the team appear in your app automatically
  • Draft is Saturday 2/25 at TCA Elementary Gym

    • Majors (11/12) @ 11am
    • Minors (9/10) @ 1pm
    • 6 year olds @ 3pm
    • Rookies (7/8) @ 5pm
    • Protected Player / Snake Draft
  • Number of Teams

    • Subject to change after registration closes at midnight 2/22
    • 6yo: 6 teams
    • Rookies (7/8): 8 teams
    • Minors (9/10): 8 teams (probably need to add)
    • Majors (11/12): 5 teams
  • Coach Certifications

    • Background Check (REQ every TWO years): baberuthleague.org
    • Lifetime Coach Training Course ($19.95) here
    • Concussion Training: here
    • Sudden Cardiac Arrest Training: here
    • AED is located in the concession stand
  • Team Sponsorships – $400

    • Send your sponsor’s contact info to Tripp Hise at tripphise@hotmail.com
    • Tripp will contact sponsor to invoice and get artwork.
    • Sublimated uniform shirt is covered.
  • Rule Changes from Babe Ruth League

    • Rookies (7/8): every player present on roster must bat one time and play 3 defensive outs (mostly this will affect all stars as we are doing this as local league option).
    • Pitch count: changed language from “a game” to “a day”
    • Runner enticement rule: will be on page 12 of rule book (when they arrive)
  • Need Volunteers for Division Commissioners

    • Aubrey is taking 11/12
    • Need someone for each other division. Preferably not the division in which your child plays.
    • Volunteer (with mad organization skills) to help All Star coaches create their tournament books.
  • All Stars

    • 6-year-olds are classified as T-Ball under Babe Ruth League
    • T-Ball and Coach Pitch districts: June 15th
    • T-Ball and Coach Pitch State: June 22nd
    • Minor and Major District is June 26th
    • Minor and Major State is July 6th
    • Locations will be chosen on June 5th at 630 (All Star coaches must attend this meeting. (probably at Bethel University)
    • Rules about how our All Stars will be chosen will be sent out next week so you can be mindful of that during the season